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Come Visit Us!

320 W. Main St.
Gaylord, Michigan

Hours: April 1 through Memorial Day -

Saturday; Noon to 3pm


Memorial Day through Labor Day -

Thurs, Fri and Sat: Noon to 3pm


Day after Labor Day through October 31 -

Friday & Saturday; Noon to 3pm


November 1 through March 31 - Closed


About The Otsego County Historical Society

The Otsego County Historical Society was established in 1963.  There was an earlier historical group, the Pioneer Society, which has since disbanded and donated its assets to the Historical Society.

The purpose of the Historical Society is to bring together people interested in history, especially the history of Otsego County.  A major function is collecting any material which helps to establish or illustrate the history of the area.  The Historical Society provides for the preservation of these materials and accessibility to all who wish to examine or study them at our Museum.  A special aim of the Society is to preserve historical buildings and historical sites in the county.


The Historical Society is a non-profit corporation and is governed by an elected board of directors.  Membership is open to all who have an interest in the history of Otsego County.


A Dozen Ways You Can Help

1.  Join the Otsego County Historical Society

2.  Volunteer to serve on a committee

3.  Be a host at the Museum

4.  Donate items of local historical significance

5.  Support our business sponsors

6.  Donate to the Endowment Fund

7.  Research topics of local interest

8.  Bring your friends to the Museum

9.  Attend Historical Society programs

10.  Buy tickets for the quilt raffle

11.  Encourage historic preservation

12.  Purchase our books at the Museum gift shop


Contact Us

320 W. Main St.
Gaylord, Michigan

(989) 732-4568

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© 2022 by the Otsego County Historical Musuem. Website Design by Datema Media

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